Since the age of eight, I have dreamed of becoming a teacher when I grow up. To this day that is what I want to do. I finished a personality test to see if this career of becoming teacher was for me. I was able to learn about the other types of educating careers and what a day-to-day life was like working in that type of job. This resource called MyBlueprint was helpful because it was reassuring. It assured that working in the teaching department could be the right direction for me. I would definitely recommend this test to others. Whether they have no idea what they want to do, or even if they have an idea. It is a way to explore new and other career options they may of never thought of before.
One thing I love about this career is consistency. I know I would not be capable of having sporadic days to work, or every day being at a new location. I do want a job that stays consistent: working in the same environment, working 5 days a week etc. Additionally, I get benefits when being a teacher. I would have a percentage covered for the dentist or medical bills. This would help me out financially. I also love any job surrounding kids. I enjoy working around children, which is why a job involving kids is the job for me. Along with this, I get to work in a safe environment. I will feel comfortable and protected. A job close to home is a must have in a career. It would be more convenient and it saves time and money. Instead of having to leave an hour early to go to work, I can use that time and apply it elsewhere. Salary wise, I am not too particular, but I obviously want enough money to make a living.
My next steps for pursuing this career is to continue doing what I am doing: volunteering. Volunteering has given me so many opportunities and I have learned so much about myself and the career I am going into. Also, I will be attending university soon which is so exciting.